Monday, February 28, 2011

Counts Car Show - RC, SD

Went and spent a good amount of time at the Counts Car Show this past weekend to help my bud Kris out as he had to go out of town for a family emergency.  My condolences go out to him and his family.

On a lighter note his car was looking real good and definitely drew some attention throughout the weekend.  These aren't my pictures as i forgot to bring a camera, but here's some of my favorite cars of the show.

I hadn't ever been to this car show here in Rapid even though I've been going to school here for nearly 5 years now.  I have to say i was really surprised to see as many custom cars as i did.

Some of the photos:

Kris, looking real clean and lowww

Everyone was drooling over this SS including me.

Guy said he built this thing for under 2k... built the whole wood body out of a log he had lying around on his property and the engine is a v12 from a jaguar he happened to have lying around... so awesome.

Wagon love.   Oh yeah, it had an LS in it as well.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Summer here yet?

I cannot wait for summer, here's another picture of the car as I realize i haven't updated this thing in a long time.  Sorry!

Also here is a picture taken at the Jmuag Production one year celebration i went to over winter break representing Renown-Performance.  I had an absolute blast!