Wednesday, July 21, 2010


So after a long break of me doing absolutely zero updates.. here is one.

I have not replaced the rear main yet, i've kind of been just driving and enjoying the car as is.  Something i didn't get to do at all last summer.  In fact, this is the only summer in my entire ownership i've actually been able to enjoy the car for what it is.

Things to come are possibly more stickers and hopefully an event or so.. might be working on something as far as events go.

Also, a buddy of mine just opened up a new shop called "Renown Performance" in Coon Rapids, MN.  They do work from honda engine swaps to custom tucked harnesses, even military spec harnesses.  He's just starting out and i'll be sporting a nice new logo of his soon called the 'fiston'.  No website as of yet but that is soon to come. 
